zp/a kode iphone iphone zp/a iOS runs on various different models of devices. This page is used to give an overview of the different model numbers or "M" numbers used by devices. The model number of your device is located in the Settings app on the "General - About" screen under "Model"
kode iphone zp/a dari mana To make searching this page easier, the first letter is always " M " and the " region " portion and everything after is removed leaving us with the first five characters of the string. For example, let's say our model number is " MC922LL/A ". The first letter is already " M ", so we leave it alone
kode zp/a Di luar Jawa, pembagian kode wilayah dilakukan baik menurut keresidenan, kewilayahan, maupun provinsi. Sebagai contoh, kode pelat nomor BL berlaku di seluruh Aceh, tetapi Sulawesi Selatan menggunakan tiga kode wilayah yang berbeda: DP, DD, dan DW. Ada beberapa daerah yang mewajibkan Regident untuk kendaraan tidak bermotor