WINBOX 3.18:MikroTik

winbox 3.18   winbox download 3. Add IP address to the sfp1 interface admin@MikroTikip address add address= interface=sfp1 4. admin@MikroTikping SEQ HOST SIZE TTL TIME STA

winbox mikrotik KONFIGURASI ETHERNET DI VM, SETTING ETHERNET, IP ADDRESS, DAN IP ROUTE DI MIKROTIK Cek Ip Komputer Print List Ethernet Edit Nama Ethernet Print Hasil Perubahan Print Ip Address Menambahkan Ip Address Ke Interface Melakukan Routing Ke Gateway Mencoba ping tapi belum tersambung ke internet Setting IP DNS Supaya Tersambung Ke Internet Mencoba ping lagi

port winbox This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols for operation of network applications. The Transmission Control Protocol TCP and the User Datagram Protocol UDP only need one port for duplex, bidirectional traffic. They usually use port numbers that match the services of the corresponding TCP or UDP implementation, if they exist

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