that winter the wind blows if a picture is all that i have “That Winter, The Wind Blows” is a 2013 South Korean drama series written by No Hee Kyung and directed by Kim Kyu Tae, who worked together on the 2008 drama “Worlds Within.” The new drama is based on the 2002 Japanese drama “I Don’t Need Love, Summer,” which was adapted into a 2006 South Korean film “Love Me Not.”
the way that knight lives as a lady Read The Way That Knight Lives As a Lady Manga - Chapter 133 in English Online for Free at Mangaoi
a story that i'll never tell Kono Koi wa Hoshi ni wa Negawanai : Eiri is the childhood friend we always spent time with. Someday I wont love her as a friend, but Ill never tell her that. Because I want to always be there for her