take a deep breath quotes take a care Stress quotes focusing on calmness can offer a simple, non-intrusive way to create moments of clarity. They’re like a mental reset button—just a few words can shift your emotional state, even if only slightly. The following quotes are selected to encourage a sense of peace and ease during difficult times
lirik take a chance with me niki Names: Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty Also Known As: Nicki Minaj Record Label: Genre: Nicki Minaj Biography: Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty professionally known as Nicki Minaj, is a Trinidadian-born rapper, singer-songwriter, and actress
take a chance with me lyrics I’m feeling all your attention on me Hi no reason to be so shy with me I ain’t gonna bite come on over No I know you wanna move a little closer Yeah I got a plan to get you with me Ah I got you on my radar soon you’re gonna be with me My strategy strategy will getcha getcha baby Winning is my trademark soon you’ll never wanna leave