iphone ll/a ibox atau inter kode iphone j/a ibox atau inter Garansi dan Layanan Purna Jual: Jaminan Keamanan Investasi Anda. Garansi dan layanan purna jual merupakan aspek penting yang seringkali diabaikan saat membeli elektronik mahal seperti iPhone. Baik iBox maupun Erafone menawarkan garansi resmi Apple, yang mencakup perbaikan atau penggantian perangkat yang bermasalah dalam jangka waktu tertentu
id/a iphone I have bought a iPhone 15 from a uk online retailer and the model number that has been delivered ends HN/A. The phone was manufactured for use in India. It was advertised as MTP13ZD/A. That would be a phone manufactured for use in Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, France, Monaco or Switzerland.....not the UK
ta/a iphone As of 2024, the most recent iPhone models are the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max, released on September 20, 2024