iphone ll/a sa/a kode iphone Beberapa tahun belakangan iPhone mengakali TKDN lewat kerja sama dengan distributor lokal. Namun, saat ini pemerintah melakukan kebijakan lebih ketat pada Apple dengan meminta investasi lebih besar seperti yang dilakukan para produsen smartphone Android. Ditolaknya investasi Apple membuat iPhone 16 tidak bisa dipasarkan di Indonesia
kode iphone ll a On the Security Lockout screen, tap the Erase iPhone button in the bottom corner of the screen. Step 2. Tap the Erase iPhone button again and enter your Apple ID password. Step 3. After signing out of your Apple ID, tap the Erase iPhone button to wipe all of your data and settings. Step 3
nomor model iphone j/a The model number of your iPhone will be displayed along with other information about your device. How to decipher the model number. Once you have found the model number of your iPhone, you may be wondering what it means. The model number of an iPhone contains valuable information about the device, such as the generation, color, and storage