have a nice weekend have a nice weekend artinya Have a lovely day! Make the most of your day! Have a beautiful day! Have a splendid day! Have a fabulous day! Have a delightful day! Have a terrific day! Have a memorable day! Have a blessed day! Have a marvelous day! Have a fantastic day! Have a magical day! Have a blissful day! Have a cheerful day! Have a peaceful day! Have a refreshing day!
i have a dream artinya Your dreams have a fantastic purpose of motivating you and keeping you excited. They fill you with phenomenal energy and passion. The next step is to break your dreams down into thoughts
i have a dream Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" is one of the most famous quoted speeches in history. In it, King uses rhetoric to appeal to his audience's emotions, values, and logic. By doing so, he is able to make a powerful argument for civil rights