have a nice dream i have a black dog Don’t worry — our dreams don’t have the ability to predict the future, and just because you dream about losing your job, it doesn’t mean you actually will. “Dreams never come to tell us something we already know,” says Lasley. “If I dream I just lost my job, it’s not saying I’m going to lose my job tomorrow. Dreams don’t do
a simple thing where have you gone You can end up spending your life doing something that you hate, and that you don't want to be doing, and you can feel like your whole life has gone completely the wrong direction. And I think
have a blast artinya Artinya: Kita hidup hanya sekali, tetapi jika kita menjalaninya dengan baik, maka sekali itu cukup. 2. "If you want live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein. Artinya: Jika kita ingin menjalani hidup dengan baik, maka gantungkan hidupmu pada tujuan, bukan bergantung pada manusia ataupun sesuatu. 3