have a good rest kai havertz leverkusen Direct Ways to Say “Have a Good Day” If you want to be direct and to the point, there are several different ways to say “have a good day” in English. Here are a few options: Have a good day! Enjoy your day! Have a great day! Make it a good day! Wishing you a good day! All of these phrases are straightforward and easy to understand
have a nice weekend Here is an example of how to use "happy weekend" in an email: Kris, Let's push the meeting until Monday. That will give us some time to work out the specifics of the report before having to present it to the team
have a nice trip artinya Artinya: Kita hidup hanya sekali, tetapi jika kita menjalaninya dengan baik, maka sekali itu cukup. 2. "If you want live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein. Artinya: Jika kita ingin menjalani hidup dengan baik, maka gantungkan hidupmu pada tujuan, bukan bergantung pada manusia ataupun sesuatu. 3