diabetes mellitus ppt free download pantangan makanan diabetes Author summary Lifestyle-related diseases, including diabetes, are mostly caused by poor lifestyle habits; therefore, modifying these habits is important. In Japan, although a system of specific health guidance SHG to modify diet and exercise for people at risk of lifestyle-related diseases has been introduced, the retention rates are low, and maintaining results is difficult. Digital
signs of diabetes One early sign of type 2 diabetes is wounds or cuts taking longer than usual to heal. As explained by Diabetes.co.uk: "High levels of blood glucose sugar caused by diabetes can, over time
kaki orang diabetes Terapi rendam kaki air jahe hangat dapat digunakan untuk penderita diabetes tipe 2, karena rimpang jahe mengandung minyak atsiri yang dapat melebarkan pembuluh darah dan membuat aliran darah menjadi lancar, mengurangi atau mencegah kesemutan yang sering terjadi pada penderita diabetes. Oleh karena itu, senam kaki, hidroterapi dengan rebusan