DIABETES MELITUS JURNAL:Effects of probiotic supplementation on the anthropometric

diabetes melitus jurnal   obat diabetes yang bagus dan aman Background: Diabetes mellitus DM is characterized by hyperglycemia due to insufficient insulin production or utilization. Previous studies have shown a relationship between the gut microbiota and DM, driving interest in probiotic supplementation to modulate the microbiota and glucose metabolism in patients with DM, although the exact mechanisms remain unclear

zaidul akbar diabetes Selain memodifikasi cara memasak nasi, dr. Zaidul Akbar menyarankan beberapa langkah berikut untuk menjaga kadar gula darah tetap stabil: • Kombinasikan nasi dengan lauk bergizi tinggi seperti sayuran hijau, protein tanpa lemak, dan lemak sehat dari kacang-kacangan atau alpukat

icd diabetes In sensitivity analysis only counting infection deaths from ICD-10 chapters A00-B99, the estimated crude mortality rate per 1000 person-years was 0.45 for T2D vs 0.22 for non-diabetes, with estimated hazard ratio 2.09 1.95-2.25

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