cs bri whatsapp i don't want to miss a thing lyrics Dengan ditutupnya SMS BRI pada 21 Juni 2024 mendatang, BRI kemudian menyediakan tiga kanal yang sejatinya telah tersedia sejak cukup lama. Kanal ini adalah CS BRI pada layanan panggilan, kemudian melalui aplikasi BRImo, dan asisten virtual Sabrina melalui aplikasi WhatsApp
soon you'll get better lyrics It only takes a couple words to make a big mess If you wanna clean it up, baby, be my guest We’ve been working all night and we could use some rest It only takes a couple words to make a big mess When that sinking feeling hits that you might be wrong And you’re thinking maybe it’s how you’ve been all along You can choose to double down or you can choose to be strong When that sinking
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