anatomy of a fall nonton anatomy of a fall ⼈⾥離れた雪⼭の⼭荘で、男が転落死した。 はじめは事故と思われたが、次第にベストセラー作家である妻サンドラ(ザンドラ・ヒュラー)に殺⼈容疑が向けられる。 現場に居合わせたのは、視覚障がいのある11歳の息⼦だけ。 事件の真相を追っていく中で、夫婦の秘密や嘘が暴露され、登場⼈物の数だけ〈真実〉が現れるが――. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations
anatomy of a murder Stewart ended the decade with Otto Preminger's realistic courtroom drama Anatomy of a Murder 1959 and the crime film The FBI Story 1959. The former was a box office success despite its explicit dealing with subjects such as rape, and garnered good reviews.226
cast of anatomy of a fall A regular on the red carpet this time last year as she participated in the 2023-2024 awards season with Anatomy of a Fall, Justine Triet has been off the circuit since the spring as she writes two new projects. The director – who shared the Academy Award and Golden Globe for best screenplay with Arthur …