alphabet prancis alphabet lore m Meskipun bentuk "J" sudah digunakan dalam tulisan-tulisan abad pertengahan, huruf ini baru secara resmi diakui sebagai huruf terpisah pada abad ke-16. Seorang cendekiawan Perancis bernama Pierre de la Rame adalah salah satu yang pertama kali mempromosikan penggunaan "J" sebagai huruf terpisah dalam alfabet Latin
coloring alphabet This kids songs collection is great for learning the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors and lots more. Happy Learning! if you really like my videos please share some love and support to my channel thanks for watching please like share subscribe to my channel
latin alphabet The International Phonetic Alphabet IPA is an alphabetic system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin script. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association in the late 19th century as a standard written representation for the sounds of speech. 1