alphabet code alphabet company ISO 639 is a set of international standards that lists short codes for language names. The following is a complete list of three-letter codes defined in part two ISO 639-2 of the standard, 1 including the corresponding two-letter ISO 639-1 codes where they exist
alphabet j Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī Sūtra in Siddhaṃ on palm leaf in 609 CE found in Hōryū-ji, Japan. The last line is a complete Sanskrit syllabary in Siddhaṃ script. Arranged with the vowels are two consonantal diacritics, the final nasal anusvāra ं ṃ and the final fricative visarga ः ḥ called अं aṃ and अः aḥ
alphabet bahasa inggris mulai a – z Waktunya belajar bahasa Inggris bersama Como dengan cara yang seru!Baca, tonton, dan ikuti dari A sampai Z!Selamat datang di chanel ‘Como Tepuk-Tepuk’.Kami a