Rev. Grace Mae Goodridge: I want to encourage other people who

it's okay to cry for a little while   it's kind of a funny story I didn’t have to do biometrics. I had an interview date for citizenship in April. My son coached me all the way through. I passed and did my swearing in on the 17th of May this year. I really loved the ceremony. We took pictures, we cried with other people who were crying. It’s been a struggle—a long, long journey

it's been a while artinya Mengimbau seseorang untuk beristirahat adalah cara sopan menunjukkan kepedulian. Kalimat ini memberi pesan agar mereka memprioritaskan istirahat demi pemulihan tubuh yang lebih cepat. Contoh: “You’ve been working so hard lately. Please get some rest and take care of yourself.” Artinya: “Kamu

it's a wrap arti Pilih fitur “Wrapped” di bagian atas menu Home, letaknya ada di samping kanan ikon Profile. Pilih “Wrapped Untukmu” dengan logo 2024 sebagai sampulnya. Setelahnya, Kawan sudah bisa melihat Spotify Wrapped 2024 milik Kawan GNFI. Untuk membagikan daftar Spotify Wrapped 2024, Kawan GNFI bisa mengikuti tutorial di bawah, ya!

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