it's nice to have a friend makna it's been a long time Gotta keep it nice, we cannot be naughty Kita harus tetap sopan, kita tak boleh berbuat yang tidak-tidak We could get drinks, or we could get coffee Kita bisa minum sesuatu, atau kita bisa ngopi Feeling so good at a bad party Aku merasa sangat bahagia di pesta yang buruk ini We don't have to talk, I know that you want me
it's been a while artinya 35. 'Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.' - Unknown Artinya: Kesuksesan bukanlah akhir, kegagalan bukanlah fatal: keberanian untuk melanjutkan itulah yang penting.Artinya: Rahasia kesuksesan adalah melakukan hal biasa dengan cara yang luar biasa
arti it's been a while And I know it's not you, it's me 'Cause it's been two years and you're still not gone Doesn't make sense that I can't move on Yeah, I try, I try, I try, I try But this love never dies It's been two years since you've been in my bed Even had a funeral for you in my head Yeah, I try, I try, I try, I try But this love never dies. Terjemahannya: