IT'S A PLEASURE ARTINYA:pleasure的用法总结|江阴雨辰互联

it's a pleasure artinya   comfortable it's a trap artinya 愉快体验: "pleasure" 可以表示对某种体验感到愉快和满足。 例如:“It's a. pleasure to meet you.” 很高兴见到你 或者 “I took great pleasure in reading this book." 我非常享受阅读这本书。 在这种情况下,“pleasure” 表示对某种经历或活动感到. 愉悦的情感。 2. 满足要求: 在工作场合,我们也经常使用 "pleasure" 来表达对能够满足他人. 要求或提供帮助的乐意。 例如:“It is my pleasure to assist you with your project." 我. 很乐意帮你完成项目 或者 "The pleasure is all mine." 荣幸之至。

it's been a while a life, or so ago I had this place and nothing more then, it came love who would have thought, that I will get what I want and I paused with writing, because life felt like a novel of my own I still have love but I guess, the time has come to return home…

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