don't you worry bout a thing don't judge a book by its cover サビは覚えていたが、ラテン風のイントロは記憶になかったな。後半のスペイン語の "Todo está bien chévere" というコーラスは "Everything is cool" という意味だそう。 Don't you worry 'bout a thing 〜 Everything is cool という歌詞の流れは、ウェイラーズの "Three Little Birds" を思い起こさせるが、勿論、ボブは聴い
i don't wanna miss a thing lirik Things I'll never miss There's things I can't seem to let go And I feel like I'm all on my own And some days it gets worse And the memories hurt But I hope that one day I let go I know I get mad, too mad, and I don't wanna do that It hurts bad and I hate when the mood lasts I move fast and I try hard to move past All the pain 'cause I'm looking for a bright side In my mind, 'cause you only got
chord i don't wanna miss a thing A side effect of the way we listen to music in the streaming era is that it's harder than ever for new stars to break through. Or it was until 2024, anyway. This year, it felt like a page turned, the skies parted, the windows were flung open wide: Mainstream pop, a field dominated by artists decades